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We're still here!

It's hard to believe that winter is just around the corner, but with temperatures slowly dropping and cool arctic winds approaching it's just a matter of time before snowy adventures are back in full swing! We're stoked, and are committed to outfitting your pup for the season with epic gear!

Over the course of the summer we've been a bit quiet, but it's not because we've been on vacation, we've been on the grind nonstop and are almost ready to come out of the shadows again. We figured we should give a quick update though, on where we're at and what's to come, so check it out!

One of our biggest news events that just got solidified is a game changer for our brand and the gear we make, because guess what...


It's official! With patent protection we can continue to make our epic gear without fear of knock offs or wannabes stepping in and causing chaos. This allows us to keep focusing on making improvements and providing the best gear we can so that you and your pup can continue to explore off-the-beaten path.

Our other big news comes in the form of manufacturing. As consumers we've become accustomed to simply going online, adding whatever we want to our cart and having it show up on our porch in a matter of days. Now that we are on the other side of the looking glass we are fully immersed in the chaotic nature that is manufacturing, and let's just say WOW. We are grateful to have found a USA based manufacturer to take us on; but our complex designs take extra time to ensure proper construction and due to our size we are not always first in line, making our estimated timeline longer than we anticipated.

With that being said, we are getting closer to having our gaiters in stock and should have our shop back up within a few weeks! Those that have already signed up for gear updates will be the first to know when we are resupplied, and if you haven't joined the list but want to, it's as easy as following this link and entering a few tidbits of information in the red form.

We can't thank you enough for your continued support in our brand, for your patience in waiting for new gear and for always inspiring us to elevate our products. We'll be in touch soon!
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