We've been MIA for a while but it's not because we've been slacking around - quite the opposite! It's been a summer of constant work behind the scenes in order to take both our business and our gear to the next level, and we thought it was time to share just what all has been accomplished and is still in the works.
One of the first big pieces of news that we are stoked to share with everyone is that our gaiters are officially PATENT PENDING! This was a huge goal of ours as it helps protect our flagship product from larger brands and assures that no one else can replicate our design in the future.
On top of that, we've been focused on getting our gaiters manufactured here in the USA. We were incredibly humbled with the demand for our gear this last season, and in order to keep up with the growth of our brand we realized we simply couldn't continue to sew the gaiters by ourselves anymore. By teaming up with a manufacturer, we are also able to add some cool new upgrades that will take our gaiters to another level by increasing their strength, adaptability, and even design. That being said, it's taken a lot of determination and follow up to get where we are now - which is just getting our initial samples!
The good news is, we should be in production within the next few weeks and have our inventory back up and ready for you!
We are stoked to get our gear back out on the scene and are grateful for your patience and support while we navigate the many obstacles of the small business world from our own home in the PNW.
